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Another update

A brief explanation of what has been going on now it has been resolved.

For technical reasons to do with SEIS certification (a UK tax thing for investors in tech start ups) the team I was working with were dismissed with no warning at the start of the month. The platform was due to launch next month, and we were told that it would be 6 months until any work on the platform could continue.

Our options were waiting, or finding and paying for an engineer privately, and as I have previously run a successful crowdfunder, I needed to run our extremely last minute campaign.

This meant yet more delays to my own work, which was supposed to be back to daily this month. For that I am truly sorry.

Our campaign was a success, and I now have a lot more free time as this stage won't require 70 hours of my time every week.

It's a big relief, and my mental health is significantly better than it has been for the past couple of months already.

I am going to have minor surgery at some point soon. That's under general anesthesia and I have previously reacted badly to that so I may need to take another couple of days off when I have that.

There's a redacted image of the consultation appointment I've had today to show you guys I'm being honest, because I appreciate it must feel like all I have is stupid excuses at the moment.

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