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Character Introductions: Robin & Saga

Updated: Dec 3, 2022

Some character art.

This is Saga and Robin as they appear in Nemesis. I want to do some stuff with my ongoing books, but I needed to make promo stuff for this book and I have had a few people ask about it in the comments of Courtesan (I think that was pushed recently because after nearly a year Dreame finally accepted the edits I made to deal with typos and some plot holes.) I want to introduce them for people who are familiar with them as kids in my other work, and for those who have never met them before. I've tried not to spoiler the end of Centuries, and to make sure it isn't confusing if you've only ever read Courtesan.


I always imagined Robin looking like his father, but with a darker complexion because of his mom. He was born in Canada, and his father was Caucasian, but his mother's ancestors were from India and I didn't want to erase the fact he is biracial.

The main vibe I wanted him to give is that he could/should have been Alpha of a Pack. He's young, strong, intelligent, and a natural leader - he has Alpha energy.

He considers Saga his sister, and they have a very close relationship.

Some spoiler free quotes from Nemesis to give an idea of the character:

Aurelia's thoughts about Robin:

He smelled like clove oil, and leather, but beneath that was his own scent and I had never paid much attention to that before. It was fresh, and full of energy - virility - despite the fact he seemed so unsure of himself, and it caught me off-guard.

Robin to Saga when she is trying to embarrass him:

Are you done yet, reject Real Doll?

Aurelia to Robin:

Jesus Christ you maniac, you could have prepared me

Robin when asked about his tattoos:

"How do you decide what to get? They're going to be there forever."

"I fucking hope so, I paid enough for them. And forever is four years if I make it as long as my father did."


Saga is a White Wolf - she's the daughter of two extremely powerful werewolves, and was raised as a future Alpha. She's intelligent, powerful, assertive, and confident.

She's also extremely bratty, and enjoys winding people up to get their attention.

People often assume she is vapid and materialistic because of her appearance, and she uses this to manipulate them.

Robin talking to Aurelia:

She doesn't use emojis.

Saga about her mother teaching her Latin as a child:

Non ducor, duco. I am not led, I lead.

A phrase my mother taught me at a young age, because she knew I would be plagued by young wannabe-Alphas trying to convince me to settle beneath my station. She wanted me to remember that I was not obliged to take a mate, and that I could be Alpha of my own pack if that was what I wanted from life.

Oderint dum metuant. Let them hate so long as they fear.

The phrase she taught me when those same young men decided I was a hateful bitch because I had no interest in submitting to them. That, she told me, had been her own personal motto for many years, and she clearly felt that it would serve me well, too.

Saga to Caius:

I was just being a brat to get your attention. You'll get used to it…or bored of it.

Saga and Robin dealing with a human:

"Do I look like a vampire to you?"

'Kind of.' I thought, and Saga glared at me.

"You look like…" the human man started to speak, and I hastily interrupted him.

" very careful how you finish that. She will make you regret it if you hurt her feelings."

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