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Character Introductions: Talia & Aurelia

Updated: Dec 3, 2022

Talia and Aurelia as they appear in Nemesis.

I'm trying not to refer too much to different books, but along with introducing them for Nemesis I'll talk about their appearance in general.


In the very first chapter of Courtesan, Talia describes herself as having "pale skin, wavy blonde hair, and stormy gray eyes." I tried to create a character who visually looks like her own description of herself, with the sort of mannerisms that characterized her for most of the book. She's vengeful, fierce, and formidable. Her hair when she was a Courtesan in Rome was long, but for Nemesis, in the modern day, I have chosen to give her jaw length hair. I thought it was fitting when Juventas (the ancient werewolf who transformed her) had jaw length hair.

Spoiler free quotes:

Caius to Saga:

Talia has been taking advantage of me since the day we first met. I'm sure she'll find a way to do so now that I'm back.

Caius when Talia is angry at him:

There was venom in her voice, but I knew her well enough that it didn't intimidate me, and the look in her eyes told me everything I needed to know.

Aurelia to Talia after Talia's failed attempt at giving motherly advice:

You have never liked to process your emotions in a healthy way.

Caius when he is alone with Talia:

As she slipped into the water it rippled quietly, and my senses were flooded by a thousand memories of her submerging herself in warm, scented water in the Rome I had ruled.


I wanted Aurelia to look like both of her parents - there are only 4 wolves in my work with blue eyes (Talia, Elizabeth, Juventas, and Tiberius), so giving Aurelia the same golden-brown eyes as her father (Caius) made sense. Her skintone is warmer than Talia's, and I tried to give her a more gentle look.

Talia is very much a fighter, but Aurelia is romantic and dreamy unless she is provoked. I tried to give her a timeless look - she could be an Influencer today, or a pin-up 80 years ago.

Her name is a Roman name meaning golden and I think her hair, warm skintone, and golden-brown eyes mean her name is perfect for her.

Spoiler free quotes:

Aurelia when asked if it is weird that Caius is back:

Weird isn't really a word I use. Things change…sometimes change is slow, and sometimes things change in a heartbeat; I try to find the good in whatever situation I'm in. Things will change again soon enough, for better or worse.

Robin to Aurelia when contemplating the nature of their relationship:

You think you'll stick around to watch me grow old?

Aurelia when a human woman is being rude to her:

I can be very primal when people don't respect me.

Caius to Aurelia:

Aurelia, you will always be my child. It doesn't matter how many years you have lived without me...I know you aren't a child anymore, but I'm not going to pretend I don't see you as my baby girl.

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