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December update

Updated: Dec 3, 2022

I expected to need minor surgery to deal with an irritating issue last month.

It turns out my jaw is literally not in the socket, it hurts a lot, all the time, and the xray I had shows that the bone is worn down where it is rubbing against the outside of the socket.

It's causing me massive issues, but the solution is...braces. Which are not covered by healthcare in the UK over the age of 18, even if it is not for cosmetic reasons.

I'm not able to pay to get this sorted privately (thanks in part to the fact my royalties are now $10 a month rather than $500, which wasn't exactly anything to write home about to begin with) and it's pretty exhausting to be in physical pain and discomfort all the time. Every time I move my mouth my jaw pops, and I can't talk sometimes because of it at this point.

It isn't just writing I've neglected. I've essentially done nothing that isn't necessary for the past month, and I avoided writing in particular because my stupid self couldn't handle potential negative comments.

Which is stupid, because the comments I did have when I finally looked yesterday were for the most part really sweet.

This isn't much of an update, but maybe it's an explanation that will make sense. I thought a minor issue would be dealt with soon, it turns out it isn't minor, I can't afford to get it dealt with, and it's driving me mad (the fact it pops is annoying as fuck as well as uncomfortable, and now I've seen what it is physically doing to my bone it kind of grosses me out).

I'm trying not to suck at updates. I'm trying to produce content I'm proud of. I'm trying to get my ongoing books finished so people aren't kept waiting. That's all I can say right now, but Nemesis is likely to be starting when Resurgence launches in January and I need at least two books completing before then so I'm comfortable enough to start working on that.

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