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Nemesis One-Shot

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

I don't know if people like these or not, but they have more views than other posts so I might as well share more. It's another one-shot (standalone scene that is just for the sake of it) but I did edit it slightly and remove one paragraph because it has spoilers about the plot otherwise.

This one may actually end up in the book, but I am not sure if the kind of language I have used is... meh. He's feeling intense, but I don't know if it is just cringy.

Leave a comment if you have any strong opinions. It would really help me to know if this sort of stuff is any good.

Also, because I don't want to make a whole post and spam everyone - I made this choker/collar based on Saga's style. It's iridescent leather with an O ring in the middle and iridescent crescent moons either side to mimic the moon phase motif. The ridiculous iridescent cross with hearts it just for fun. It doesn't look that impressive on these pictures, but my friend fell in love with it and it's got a home already so I am happy my silly thing based on a ridiculous character made someone happy.


I woke up with a white wolf sleeping at the foot of my bed, and by the time I came back from taking a shower there was an insatiable young woman in its place.

She took my breath away - her eyes were hypnotizing, whether she intended them to be or not, and I was drawn to her because of them.

"Good morning," I smiled at her, but she was not interested in talking and I let the towel drop from around me.

She took what she needed from me then, and she had stayed in my room for days so she could use me as she pleased - it was an arrangement that was pleasing for both of us and

I was relieved that she trusted me.

[paragraph with spoiler removed]

It made me appreciate how beautiful she really was, and how badly she had needed to find someone like me. An arrogant thought, and one that she would probably berate me for when she wasn't in need of me.

She left the room when she was sure we were alone, and returned with her arms filled with food. She had decided that she would be staying with me for a few more days, and this was her way of announcing that. She didn't want me to leave her sight for any longer than necessary, and now I wouldn't have to leave the room to get us food.

I laughed when she dropped the things on the bed at my feet, climbing onto me before I could see what she had decided to bring; I was ready for her, because I seemed to know instinctively when she needed me.

She threw something at me when she was done, and left me on my own to go and wash herself.

I half expected it to be something obscene, but she wasn't going to risk upsetting me when she needed me, and it was probably her way of rewarding me for being compliant.

It was a drink - the kind her brother favoured - in a metal container with a design that looked like it had been designed by a wannabe Alpha with something to prove.

The stuff smelled terrible and I put it down on the table beside the bed without risking a taste.

"Nobody really likes those things, they aren't supposed to be pleasant," she towelled her hair off in the doorway and nodded at the drink.

"What are they supposed to do? I'm not taking medicine if I don't know what it is for and it looks like it's for men who aren't capable of keeping a woman satisfied." She laughed and I narrowed my eyes at her. "You know I don't appreciate it when you humiliate me like this. It isn't my fault I'm not familiar with these things, and you would be just as lost if you were in my position; I assume it's because you are nearly free from the clutches of…"

She groaned and tossed the towel onto a chair before she picked the drink up. She drank it in one go, which was significantly more enjoyable to watch than it had any right to be, then crushed the can and tossed it into the trash.

She tilted her head slightly as she stared at me with her hands on her hips.

"You think I just dosed myself with a male stimulant? Or that my brother - a twenty-three year old who in any other pack would be Alpha already - would rely on synthetic formulas to keep him in his prime? It's just an energy drink," she nodded to another one at the foot of the bed. "The sort of thing a gladiator would have liked before a fight."

I laughed, and reached for the drink, studying it closely before I tossed it back down.

"I never needed anything to help me before I fought in the Arena, and I don't need anything to help me now."

She sat down at the end of the bed and picked up one of the packets of food; I recognised that it was all junk food, and none of it was appealing to me, but I didn’t want to complain when she was trying to do something nice.

"I grabbed what I could before anyone got back, OK?” she snapped at me when she saw that I was disinterested, clearly hurt by the fact her gesture was not appreciated the way she had expected. “I know it's not one of the gourmet feasts you are used to, but I don't have a personal chef to prepare me whatever I want without having to leave my room here."

I laughed coolly and she blushed, because she knew exactly what I found funny.

"Here? No wonder you're such a spoiled brat. Your pack all treat you like a princess."

"Shut up." Her eyes were cold and I moved closer and rested my hand on her back, relieved to feel the muscles relax beneath my touch.

“I’m sorry - I took the gesture personally; it wounded my pride, but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. It’s just another thing I don’t understand…being able to keep you satisfied is the only thing that has made me feel like I am still worthwhile, and I couldn’t keep my ego in check when I thought you were insulting me.”

“Why would I insult you in such a ridiculous, passive aggressive way? You love me.”

I bit my lip for a second to stop myself laughing, before I moved next to her to sit at the end of the bed and kissed her cheek. As if she hadn’t been cruel to the other men who had doubtlessly fallen in love with her before me. My feelings for her didn't matter; she wouldn't belittle the man she loved, though.

“At least we…”she mounted me before I could finish the thought - that we wouldn’t have to deal with her insatiable need for me for much longer. I hadn't even noticed that I was hard, but Saga had, and she had immediately settled on me, grinding herself down slowly and moving her hips as she found a position that she was happy with.

“At least we what?” she asked as she pushed me back to lie on the bed.

The muscles in her thighs were taut and she looked powerful on top of me with her hands pressed to my chest.

I called her my little she-wolf so often that it was almost possible to forget that she was far from little, but she made sure I was pinned where she wanted me with ease.

"At least we have each other," I gave her a weak but believable response and her eyes glimmered.

She knew what I had been thinking before she pinned me down.

"When this is over…" she moved my hands up to cup her breasts and closed her eyes as I moved my hips beneath her, matching the slow pace that she had started without either of us even realizing it.

"When this is over?"

She opened her eyes and smiled down at me.

"I've decided… I want more from you than this."

"This is the third time this morning, are you really demanding more before I'm even done? How much more can you possibly want?"

She wasn't asking for that, but I brushed my thumbs over her nipples and moved beneath her, pretending I didn't know that she was telling me she wanted to get to know me properly.

She tipped her head up and arched her back, and I half expected her to howl like the exquisite she-wolf she was.

"Give me everything," she moaned, letting the words escape her lips in my language as she ground down against me. I moved my hands to her thighs and held her down against me as I came.

She let herself collapse down onto me so I could wrap her in my arms, and I stroked her back and kissed her hair, but after a couple of minutes relaxing together she sat up, with a wicked smile on her face that made me blush before she had even said anything.

"Don't say a word," I warned her, but she was feeling proud of herself for my lack of control, and there was no way she was going to let it drop; she lifted herself, kneeling up in a pose that made her look like a Goddess.

Her hair had tumbled over her shoulders, and the fact it was still damp meant it was plastered to her body, shrouding her in a robe of pristine white. She often called herself a relic, as if it was a bad thing, but to me she had a beauty so divine it transcended time.

I wasn't sure if she was going to kiss me or kill me as she looked down at me with her glimmering amber eyes, and I really wouldn't have cared either way; she could have done anything to me, and I was powerless to stop her because I loved her, and she knew it.

"You liked hearing me say that, huh?"

"Clearly," I glanced between her legs at the evidence of my enjoyment, reaching out to wipe it onto my fingers; she swiped my hand away. This was a job she had decided she wanted for herself; she closed her eyes, and brought her fingers to her mouth exactly as I had planned to do to her.

Her nipples hardened as she sucked on her own fingers, and my pulse was racing because I wanted to feel her sucking as hungrily as that on me, but I didn't move to touch her because it felt like she was inviting me to watch her in a moment of intimacy that was too precious to disturb.

She let her hand drop, and opened her eyes, watching me in reverent silence as her hand moved back between her legs - the vessel for that sacred ambrosia my Goddess needed to sustain herself. She closed her eyes and drew a shaky breath as her fingers were anointed with the elixir her perfect body was already struggling to contain.

Her thighs were trembling, because she wanted to move back down onto me, but she continued to torture herself until she reached an exquisite peak that did nothing to satisfy her.

Finally, slowly, she held her fingers out to show me, and my lips parted as I tried to find words for what she made me feel, inadvertently offering her a chance to press her fingers to my lips; I closed my eyes, and groaned - a low, primal sound, until her fingers slipped into my mouth and silenced me.

I sucked at them, entranced by the potent mix of her need and my desire to fulfil it.

She must have seen the hunger in my eyes when I opened them, because she was merciful enough to grant me a second serving.

"A taste of your own medicine," she whispered, and lay down beside me.

She was getting tired, and that was the one thing I had been growing concerned about, but I pushed the thought aside and coated my own fingers, taking a liberty that she chose to allow.

"I will end up addicted to this medicine if you aren't careful, Canicula."

I already was. The moment her fingers touched my lips I had been entranced - it didn't taste like me, it tasted like us, and we tasted like perfection.

I sucked my fingers clean, and she closed her legs - the final act of the ritual that had sealed our fate.

I had worshiped at her shrine, devoted myself to serving her, and my offering had been accepted.

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