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October Update

I'm sorry this is so late. The past few weeks have really not been kind to me, and I am sorry that I haven't been communicative. I've been working 70+ hours a week for over a year now to bring the platform I have been creating with 3 other authors to life, and we were told at the start of the month that, due to an issue that is completely out of our control, our investor cannot provide the engineer to finish work until March 2023.

Our options right now are to wait (essentially killing the business) or fund the engineer ourselves.

I've spoken about it on the Kickstarter, here but as an author I really cannot stress how heartbroken I am. I have had to push my own writing aside for so long, and I had made that sacrifice and let you down on the understanding that I was bringing something good into the world.

It is devastating that it may all result in nothing.

As part of the campaign we have put together a collection of 10 spicy stories with monsters, and I was able to take one of the one-shots that I had written with my own characters and adapt it (my story in this anthology has a female succubus, a male demon, and a male human. It's quite a lot more kinky than the things I usually publish, which is why it hadn't been used in its original form.)

If you want to support the campaign you can do that until October 31st.

Along with the anthology there are other things such as a custom piece written just for you by Rory McCauley-Hayman (author of the Rogue Queen and The Vampire's Servant). I believe Stephanie Light (author of The Silent Alpha) is also raising funds for us by releasing some unpublished chapters of that, but for those you need to go to her social media as she's selling them herself and making the donation to us personally.

In terms of my works in progress - I have a lot of unfinished chapters. I am really, really not doing well right now, and I am trying very hard to just hit publish but I am struggling with that.

I've not been able to do much outside of preparing for what would have been the launch of Resurgence next month for a while, and that has been rammed into trying to get the crowdfunder together and run that as I am the only one with prior experience running a Kickstarter campaign. I'm trying to do literally anything so that I am not keeping everyone waiting, and I want to be able to share things I have made again eventually. The only thing I have to share right now is this:

It's only material, but I decided that I need to let myself get lost in my work again, and I am making something for one of my characters.

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