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Sample chapter with Robin and Aurelia

I've shared stuff with Caius and Saga/Talia because I'm trying to figure those dynamics out.

This is a chapter I wrote with Aurelia and Robin.

I found writing him as a 24 year old helped me with writing him as a kid in my Centuries chapters. He takes after both parents, and I enjoyed giving him some quirks like smoking true same cigarettes as his mom or wearing the shirt that she was given to remember his dad by.

Chapter is from Aurelia's perspective.

"What is the deal with you, anyway?"

"My deal? You mean our deal? Or my sister’s deal?"

"No," I smiled at his oddly charming insecurity. "I mean…you can't be here just because she wants you to be, surely?"

He smiled, and exhaled a laugh as he reached into the back pocket of his scruffy black jeans and pulled out a packet of clove cigarettes. He took out one for himself and offered the pack to me without saying a word. I hadn't smoked in decades, but it wasn't about a craving for nicotine and I accepted the cigarette and brought it to my lips as he struck a match with his thumb and held it out for me.

He leaned in close to light his own cigarette from mine, and I couldn't look away from him as he got close to me.

He smelled like clove oil, and leather, but beneath that was his own scent and I had never paid much attention to that before. It was fresh, and full of energy - virility - despite the fact he seemed so unsure of himself, and it caught me off-guard.

He took a draw from the cigarette and his lips parted slightly when he exhaled the distinctive smelling smoke.

"What?" he asked, and I blushed because I had been staring at him without meaning to.

"I'm just curious, I suppose. There has to be more to you than…than being her brother."

His eyes sparkled with amusement, and I wasn't sure how he was going to respond to me.

"Step-brother," he corrected me. “And I’m not even her step-brother. Not really.”

“You were raised as siblings, though?”

“Sort of. What difference does it make? You’re not going to ask me if I am trying to impress her, are you? Because I promise you, that is not why I am here with her. I just…” he took another drag from the cigarette and trailed off.

You just?” I pressed, and he locked his eyes with mine as he tossed the half-finished cigarette to the ground and stamped it out.

“I just broke up with someone,” he shrugged. “I’m sure you know how it is.”

“I haven’t had a boyfriend for a very long time,” I laughed. “It’s a lot less complicated to just keep things physical when you know they aren’t going to last forever.”

"Amen to that. I am not dealing with that bullshit again until I am unceremoniously forced to do the honorable thing."

Spoken like a true future Alpha, but not because of what he said. It was the way he said it that gave me that impression, and I couldn't explain it beyond the fact I had seen it enough that it was obvious to me when someone was destined for that life.

“Forced?” I tossed my own cigarette to the ground. “Who would be unceremoniously forcing you to do anything?”

“You must have seen my life played out a thousand times over the years, Aurelia. Do you really need to know the names this time around? Why don't you tell me what your deal is?"

"My deal?" I laughed, and shook my head. "I don't have a deal. I do what I want, go where I want…"

"...fuck who you want?"

His comment surprised me, but when my eyes widened he smiled.

"I don't think that is…"

"...I'm sorry," he raised his hands defensively.

"You only said it to test the water," I shrugged. "You are just too nervous to ask me if I'm interested in you."

"I know you're interested in me. Believe it or not, I'm not interested in you."

I didn't believe it.


"... I don't fuck people I actually like."

He swallowed, and fought with himself because he was trying to maintain his composure as I tried not to let him see how relieved I was that he apparently liked me.

"Is that really why you just broke up with someone? Because you were starting to care?"

“I broke up with her because she wanted me to commit to her and I wasn't prepared to do that. If you're going to lecture me about it, I assure you I've heard it before. I'd rather listen to that again than end up stuck with the wrong person before I'm ready."

I wasn't going to lecture him - I actually rather admired him for it - but I raised my hands and stepped back from him.

"I guess it's nice to know that you like me."

His eyes sparkled with amusement, and he grabbed my waist with no warning and pulled me into a deep kiss.

My hands rested on his firm chest over the ratty old t-shirt that clearly held some sentimental value to him and felt that his heart was racing.

"I might make an exception for you," he murmured close to my ear. "I'll regret passing up the chance to see how good someone with your experience is."

"My experience?" I laughed and stepped back from him. "I don't think I am going to entertain your morbid curiosity, little boy."

"Suit yourself," he shrugged, and began to turn away.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, stripping him of the old shirt before he had a chance to react.

"Not bad…" I glanced at his body.

Sculpted muscles, and a number of objectively well executed tattoos.

I knelt down, and he wound his fingers through my hair.

I brushed my fingers across the top of his jeans, enjoying the way I raised goosebumps on his soft skin as I leaned closer and licked the spot above his belt buckle before blowing it softly so he grunted in frustration.

"I'm curious enough to screw you but I am not interested in anything else. If you give good head I'll…."

If… as if I wasn't better than any of the women he had been with before me.

"... I could suck your fucking soul out if I felt like it."

"Really?" he raised one of his eyebrows and began to undo his belt.

I stood up and grasped his hard-on where it was restrained against his thigh.

He was harder than I anticipated already, and he had to stifle himself when I squeezed him gently to get an idea of what I would be dealing with.

"Fucking hell," I glanced down. "You kept this well hidden."

I hadn't meant to say that aloud, but it explained the quiet, self assured confidence that he exuded. A lot of men would have been significantly more arrogant than he was if they looked like him, let alone…

"Still think you can suck my soul out of it?" he smirked as he took the things from his pocket and put them down on the table next to us, before pulling down his jeans and underwear.

He definitely had every right to be arrogant, but it was embarrassing that he could see that I was flustered.

He stroked himself, and I looked down again so I could watch him.

"It's a pleasant surprise, I'm not intimidated," I lied before I got back down on my knees. "And you better know how to use that thing, because after I've finished sucking it, I'm going to ride it."

"Is that so?" he laughed, and tousled my hair affectionately as if I was being naive.

I kept my eyes fixed on his as I took him into my mouth and grabbed his thighs; he smiled, and grasped my hair tightly before he forced his cock further down my throat.

There was a sudden flood of warm wetness between my legs, as if sucking him off was the most exhilarating thing imaginable, and I began to suck him hungrily while my tongue explored him.

Apparently my skills were adequate because he closed his eyes and muttered something under his breath.

When he reached for the table I guessed he was grabbing the condom he had deposited along with his cellphone and cigarettes.

Which were exactly what he reached for.


I stopped what I was doing and he looked down at me while he lit another cigarette.

He definitely hadn't been lying when he said he didn't fuck people he actually liked, if that was anything to go by.

"If it's too much you can just say so. And I'd rather you didn't try to impress me if we fuck. Obvious discomfort is off-putting and there's no point embarrassing yourself when this is a one-time thing."

I narrowed my eyes and grasped him in my hand firmly, teasing him while I decided what I was going to do.

An attitude like that should have been enough to put a stop to our one-time encounter, but I took it as a challenge and savored the fact he choked on the smoke when I took him in his entirety.

It served him right.

He tangled one of his hands through my hair again and held me in place so he could test my ability to handle him before deciding I wasn't just trying to impress him.

He grasped my hair tighter and moaned as he exhaled a cloud of clove cigarette smoke, allowing himself the blatantly rare chance to fuck my throat without choking me.

I looked up at him, keeping my eyes fixed on his as he took another draw from the cigarette and smiled at the sight of me.

He closed his eyes and moved his hips again, and I guessed that I wasn't going to be sucking his soul out anytime soon if this was what he had decided he wanted, but he was probably already regretting his comment about not doing anything with me after this.

I rested my hands on his lower back when I felt that he was getting closer, and he flicked the cigarette away and reached for the table again.

If he was going to try to record this on his phone I was going to make him regret it, but thankfully he wasn't quite as arrogant as that and he was only grabbing the condom.

He pushed me away and told me that I was going to struggle to ride him with my clothes on.

It wasn't exactly going to be practical either way outside, but he pulled one of the chairs from the table and sat down. He'd probably been planning that while he had his cock halfway down my throat; I didn't bother commenting on that, and I straddled him without removing my underwear.

He slid it to the side and rubbed my clit with surprising skill for a man I had expected to rely on his size rather then putting in effort. I moaned, and felt him position himself against me before his hand moved to my hip.

He wanted to know what I felt like.

He closed his eyes and rubbed against me, so I pressed my lips to his and kissed him slowly as I moved my hips to slide against him, allowing him a chance to feel how wet I was.

He opened his eyes when I broke away from him, and moaned when he rubbed against me again.

"Do you mind?"

He moved his hips to press closer to me as if I didn't know what he was asking.

It was a surprisingly considerate thing for him to ask.

I moved down onto him in response and he pulled me down further onto his cock until he felt me tense. His eyes revealed exactly how much he enjoyed the feeling, and I began to move; he grabbed my ass and lifted me off him so he could slip the condom on before we carried on.

An overly cautious act, because he didn't trust his own instincts, but he had enough self-control to grant himself that small taste.

I gasped as he pushed into me, unable to move at first because he was trying to push deeper than I could handle.

When he eased off he watched me intently, his hand firmly on my hip, guiding me as I began to move.

I leaned forward, pressing my hands to his chest as I rode him, and he watched me silently for a moment before he thrust up roughly. It made me collapse against him.

That was his way of drawing me close enough to kiss him, and his tongue was in my mouth before my arms were around his neck.

I could feel his cock throbbing inside me, and the way his hands clenched my hips made me whimper and tighten around him.

"You're torturing me," he muttered against me.

"Torturing?" I laughed, then pushed down hard so he groaned, his head falling back as he thrust up again.

"Fuck," he muttered. "Much more of that and I'm going to cum."

I wanted to make him lose control, but I felt the knot of tension within me and knew I wouldn't be able to keep going for long.

His hands moved to my breasts and he groaned in frustration; I pulled off my dress and unhooked my bra, as if letting him squeeze my breasts for a few seconds was worth the effort.

He brushed his thumbs over my nipples and I sank down further onto him.

"There are a hundred things I want to do to you right now," I whispered. "And a hundred more I want you to do to me."

"I know. Believe me, I know..." he reached down between my legs and rubbed my clit briefly, and I shuddered with pleasure.

"You're torturing me," he muttered again. "You have no idea how much I want you."

I moaned and gripped his shoulders as he moved beneath me again, my nails digging into his flesh. I knew exactly what he meant, and I ground against him faster, pushing myself over the edge; he finished a moment later and held me to him as I caught my breath.

It seemed unlikely that he usually did that if he only fucked women he actively disliked, but I let myself enjoy the moment. I hadn't felt an Alpha's arms around me for longer than I cared to admit, and I had missed the reassuring comfort that it gave me.

"I'm surprised you managed to keep that a secret," I murmured against his shoulder as he stroked my back. "Most men would be dying to brag about it."

"When should I have brought it up? 'my sister isn't actually my sister, and she's fucking your dad to antagonize your mother, but if you're interested in a distration I've got a pretty big dick and I know how to use it' wouldn't exactly have been tempting."

"Pretty big?" I laughed.

"I try not to let my ego get the better of me. Maybe next time I'm interested in someone I'll provide them with a full-scale replica so they can try it out before I ask them if they're down to fuck."

"Do you screw women you don't like so you don't care if they're uncomfortable?"

He smiled, and lifted me off his lap so he could sort himself out.

"My dad got himself killed because he loved my mom too much," he threw out the explanation casually as I got my clothes back on.

"People get themselves killed over stupid crap all the time. You'd do something dangerous to protect your sister."

"Dangerous, sure, but not guaranteed to kill me. He martyred himself like an idiot because my mother was pregnant with me. He didn't have to die, but he couldn't stand the thought of her losing me; Saga can defend herself, and she's at no risk of carrying my child, so I'm in no danger of throwing myself into the jaws of certain death for her."

"That's why you're so cautious, I take it."

He laughed and sat back down on the chair, scrolling through his phone.

"Sure, if that's what you want to believe. It couldn't have anything at all to do with the fact your 2000 year old pussy has probably taken loads from more men than I can count, or that I'm not exactly a saint, either."

"Which is definitely bullshit because you let my 2000 year old pussy take that ridiculous thing raw."

He exhaled a cynical laugh and put the phone down.

"You realize how blatant this is, right? I won't give you another ride on that ridiculous thing just because you're trying to antagonize me. You're a good person, and I enjoy your company. We've never argued before, Aurelia, but I'm barely out of you and you're trying to cause a fight. You know there are plenty of reasons why I don't fuck people I actually like. It fucks things up, and I'd rather have kept you as a friend I want to suck the soul out of me than…whatever this crap is."

"I'm sorry," I sighed. "I think you're right, as much as I hate to admit it. I haven't felt like that in a long time, despite the fact I've definitely not been celibate. It isn't deliberate, and you made it clear it was a one time thing."

"I appreciate that. And I'm sorry I accused you of sleeping with literally countless men."

"You want me to give you an insight based on my extensive knowledge and experience?"

He leaned back in the chair slightly, but I pulled him to his feet with no resistance.

"I assume you're about to tell me I should warn people I'm bigger than they're expecting before they make outlandish claims about their head-game?"

"It can be a one time thing in more than one way. Sometimes a single day with someone is a more satisfying way of defining that."

He couldn't stop the smile twitching at the corner of his lips, and I knew he wasn't going to fight with me over that.

"I'll think about it," he scooped his things up from the table and shoved them back into his pocket.

"You know it won't count as a one time thing if you decide to do that some other day."

"Why don't you go to your room, and I'll think about it while I'm making drinks for us?"

He was taking me up on the suggestion, then. And he was completely incapable of keeping his thoughts private.

"The only thing you're thinking about is whether I could handle that unreasonable thing in my ass."

"I'm not, you couldn't, and it's not like it's freakishly massive so stop acting as if it is."

"You are, I definitely could, and it isn't freakish but it's big enough that you need to moderate yourself."

He bit his lip, and ran his hand up my thigh, pushing past the hem of my dress to grab my ass.

"You can either go up to your room and get yourself ready to prove that, or get back on your knees to wait for me and prove that you can suck my soul out. I'll be very disappointed if you can't deliver on either of those claims."

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