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Schedule & Other Updates

May Update Schedule

I'm trying to be a little more organized. I know a lot of authors have facebook groups to communicate with their fan bases but I don't think I have enough followers to warrant that (I'm telling myself it's because I'm mysterious rather than kinda weird).

My update schedule for May is below, and I've got other updates under that.

Other Updates

I was asked to provide a portrait for an exhibition and this is what I came up with.

I had a selfie from a gig I went to wearing contacts the colour I've described a bunch of my main characters having and the most ridiculous coat in the world, so I edited that. I thought it was worth sharing because I knew they had asked intending me to share some of my professionally taken images of my sewing work, and I mainly did it as a joke. It's called Morrigan - the goddess transforms into a crow so as far as people visiting the gallery know it's inspired by her. The fact there's a large moon in the background and my eyes are amber/orange is never going to make sense to anybody else, but it does to me and, I guess, a few of the people who might end up on this site.

I haven't had any time for anything lately - my last Update post gives a thinly veiled explanation of why that is. I did run an event with my friend and made some corsets for that, and that made me realize that I do actually miss sewing things. I am finishing off a new medieval dress right now and will share that when it's done.

This weekend I'm at a reenactment event. I'm not at a 12th century mansion this time, but it's a big tournament to determine the new prince and princess so I will still find it pretty inspiring. I'm going to be spending a week at a 15th century castle for a big reenactment thing in August and Morrigan is early 15th century, so I'm really excited about that event. That's pretty much it, I guess.

I'm still not feeling great about my writing after a couple of comments I had, but I am trying not to let it get to me - I am sorry if my pacing sucks or my writing isn't as good as normal, I am aware it's bothered me to a degree that has impacted on those things and I am really sorry about that.

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Hi! I'm a reader relatively new to Readme and one of the first books I found was Centuries Mature. It really caugth me...I couldn't stop reading (even at work). Naw I'm waiting for you tu update Centuries IV...I really need to know more about everything in there.

I don't know what these people who gave you bad comments are, but I'm pretry sure they're haters with nothing else to do, and probably wouldn't be capable of writing anything worth reading. So don't let them get to you. I think the world you've created is truly amazing and I love how everything falls in to place. I just hope you don't leave us hanging and that you keep on going with…


Sorry I didn't see this sooner, and I know I responded to your message about updates but I wanted to respond to this, too. A lot of people dislike the way the second book ends, which I kind of understand. I had to finish it at that point for personal reasons, and I made a really stupid decision to make it so you could just decide that she died if you won't want to keep reading the third book. Other people just find my stuff boring because it's too long, or hate it because it doesn't follow the same rules as most other books. It means a lot that you appreciate the world I have created. I know it's never going to…

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