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Update and Chapter Preview

I am feeling a lot worse than I anticipated today. I knew it would hit me in some capacity but it's the anniversary of a friend dying today and I feel like my heart has been torn out. I needed to get some feelings out of my system, so I chose to write the introduction to a book I would like to write when my ongoing projects are complete. It will be a sequel to The Alpha Emperor's Courtesan featuring Talia, Aurelia, and Caius.

It's set 20 years in the future, and the plan I have for it would mean several characters from Centuries would be in it -mainly 21 year old Saga, but also Francesca and Jonas when they find out what she has been up to, and some others I won't name because that would definitely spoil the end of that series. I don't know when/where/whether I will ever publish this, but here's the intro I wrote:

My mother used to tell me that Rome was founded by wolves. For twenty four years I thought she was talking about the myth of Romulus and Remus, but for two thousand years I have known the truth; Rome really was founded by wolves, and they governed the empire for generations without anybody learning what they really were.

I was cursed with immortality when my humanity was stolen from me by the Emperor, and the life I lived in that city became a distant memory as time moved on. Everything I had ever known crumbled over countless lifetimes, and the city that had seemed eternal to me once was ultimately as ephemeral as every other.

The transience of culture, and of life, was something I came to accept, and I learned to appreciate the beauty in the world and the things each group had to teach me before their moments passed and they faded into the obscurity of history.

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