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Updates & August Schedule

This month I want to update everything at least once a week. It is honestly all I can cope with right now because my mental health is awful and I am struggling to write things that aren't extremely depressing as a result. I'm burned out, and we are under a lot of pressure to update 70k+ words to one story this month, which really isn't something I want to attempt. I am trying to focus on the quality of my work, because the sample chapters I did for Nemesis are a lot better than anything else I have written recently. Nemesis is going to be on Resurgence Novels. I spoke to one of my cofounders and went through the idea I have.

Details for anyone interested:

  • It's going to be a standalone, but tied in with my main body of work

  • The main characters will be Talia, Caius, Aurelia, Saga, and Robin

  • It deals with their relationships and life after Caius is brought back. It's a slice of life type book, because that's what I am comfortable/enjoy writing most

  • I wrote a couple of scenes to play around with the characters and see how they interact and what sort of chemistry they have. 20 year old Saga is an extremely intelligent, talented woman. She is Francesca and Jonas' daughter, so she is also extremely manipulative and knows how to get exactly what she wants. It made sense when I started writing her that she would be a Brat, in the sexual sense of the term; she likes to push people to see if they are engaging and interesting to her, and to frustrate people because she can get away with it. That means there will be elements of kink in the relationships/mature content in this book

  • I'm really excited to write this. I want to explore the relationship between Caius and Aurelia, the way that Talia feels when he is actually back, and to see how he navigates the modern world. Revisiting characters from Centuries and developing Robin and Saga as adults is something I am also excited to do, and there are some other characters I may bring in but haven't decided yet. I just love the ideas I have about what they will be like in this, and while I won't be working on it for a while, I really hope some of you guys will check it out

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