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Why do I write?

This is a more personal post. It's actually kind of a rant - I just wanted to get this off my chest and thought that it might benefit other people to read.

Why now?

I decided to write this post now because I have seen more people commenting about the members of episodic-based writing communities being focused on making money, and I wanted to talk about that and about how frustrating it is when I see people making that criticism.

I've been writing fiction since I was about 12 years old, and I have been making money from my writing for over a decade. I have a 'real' book about sewing that can be purchased in 'real' bookstores.

I have been making money from my stories for just over a year.

This isn't something that I have on a neon sign above me as I walk around during my day-to-day life, and it isn't something I say whenever I introduce myself to fellow writers. It makes it particularly frustrating when I read passive-aggressive comments about 'real' writers and 'serious' writers as if I am not a real, serious writer.

My ideas and stories are no less valid just because many of them fit into popular genres, and I have spent far too long apologizing for what I do or skirting around the issue when people ask me what I do for a living.

"I'm a writer, but..."

The sentence should end one word sooner.

I'm a writer. I have let people who have never even read my work tell me that I can't possibly be a serious writer who is passionate about what I do because I make money from it. I have believed that for far too long, and I am now starting to realize that just isn't true. I have spent hours doing research into the culture, clothing, and technology of 14th Century Europe for a book that someone has made countless hurtful comments about simply because the main character is a werewolf and 'none of those books are original, they all lack substance'.

The thing is, that is objectively untrue. I am extremely passionate about my writing. Those who follow me on channels such as this, or Instagram, are well aware of that. Whether you like my writing or not, I do not think anyone can seriously say I do not care about the worlds I create when they are pretty much my entire life.

I have painted pictures of scenes that I was inspired by. I have designed and made outfits to describe in the books. I have learned new techniques and spent many hours teaching myself how to make items I would never have made before for the sake of making outfits inspired by my characters. I have a replica of a medieval crossbow in my bedroom to use in a photoshoot inspired by Morrigan - a process that is taking a really long time and which I am documenting in a set of posts in a lot of detail. I have fabrics which are replicas of real fabric from the 14th century and have spent many hours learning about the clothing that was worn at the time. I have invested in books and tutorials so that I can make an outfit which would plausibly have been worn by somebody at the time. I have had to order contact lenses in a really specific shade of amber from Japan because that was the only place I could find them. I have learned a lot about graphic design and created my own logos, book covers, notebooks, and bookmarks which I offer to my followers on Instagram free of charge.

I live and breathe my writing, and I am not going to let anybody make me feel bad for the fact I make money from it now. None of the things in the image below (or any of the many, many other things I have made and not included here) would exist if it wasn't for the money I have earned through writing. I could not have invested in the inks I use to paint, or treated myself to the antique lace I used for several of the pieces. I could not have justified spending time learning new techniques and skills, or in drafting new styles of lingerie patterns. I would not have learned how to create files which are suitable for creating foiled designs for the bookmarks, or about logo design.

I make money from my writing, and I am just as passionate as the people who write without being paid.

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